Cancer diagnosis..
Unfortunately, I had my first my first Melanoma diagnosis in my foot in 2017 and it was a very worrying time, especially the uncertainty.
I have always been a glass half full person and it was a positive attitude that really helped give me the inner strength to deal with this new situation.
My perspective had changed. At the same time, in the back of my mind, it was like I knew everything, somehow, would be ok.
I coped by focusing positively on my career again, which is when I started to take on more commissioned work, and decided to setup my website.
I'm well for now and been back into my working routine for a while, but these past few years have certainly been an intense period of change and growth
I have definitely discovered my inner strength and don't know how sometimes, but I have got through some pretty challenging experiences health wise. I definitely feel blessed to have come out the other side stronger...
I am just grateful to be well at the moment. This is more importantly, down to the dedicated medical teams and why its important to share knowledge and expertise around the world, such as the vital work of ReSurge Africa.